Monday, October 26, 2009

The 100th post

For no particular reason, some numbers are special; like the 100th post on this blog. So what special writing shall there be for the so special 100th one? This is the point, where I realize that the specialty of a number doesn't extend beyond the number itself. It is much like a new year, where dates and calendars change but the days remain the same.

Anyways, since the 100th one is supposed to be special somehow, let me talk about not-so-run-of-the-mill blabber in this one at least. In the previous 99 posts posted over two years, four months, and nine days, I have talked about my life and experiences, my dreams and aspirations, and my thoughts and the lack of the same. Sometimes I wrote for friends and sometimes for foes. Often it was humor targeted at myself and often I tried being poetic. Irrespective of all such distinctions, the end results were tragic only.

Most of my posts have a tiny '0 comments' written at the bottom but not all were as unattractive to all the readers. I got a few comments on a few. Most readers were polite enough to encourage and some were even appreciative. Sometimes, I got grand compliments and I felt proud as well. However, the moments of proud have always been counted - after all, people equally appreciate any damn crap writer (check any random blog, if you don't want to trust me). And I doubt if I have enough ground to stand separated from the 'appreciated' bloggers, namely, Mr. Tom, Mr. Dick, and Mr. Harry.

Beyond the posted thoughts, I have incomplete posts talking about my attempts at learning different languages, my take on politics and policy, the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life and experiences, and many more sorts of blabbering which is as irrelevant to the world as the previous 99 posts were.

However, as always, the more I say, the more remains unsaid. I believe the journey of the 'writer' me and the 'explorer' me is in its initial stages only. But someday, I'll have real milestones and not ones like the 100th post. In any case, I will keep exploring and keep writing about the life and times of yours truly. Thanks to those who stood by.

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