Sunday, May 2, 2021

I am fine!

I have said everything! 

And so many times! 

On this very blog! 

Whatever I say even to myself now, it seems like a repetition of the same thing, same thoughts, and same sorrows. Everything is stale. Every thought, every word, every idea, every sorrow, every pain. So here is a very very very old thought, and yet, by my memory of this blog, perhaps not stale, not repetitive, not already written about. 

When I look around, I find it surprising how people are so happy and so contended and so ecstatic. As I understand, they fall in two categories. One, who pretend well. Two, who have an animalistic existential level. But those, who are capable of deeper thought always have a trouble in this shallow world. They crave for something deeper always and the deeper they go, the shallower they feel. Ultimately, they strangulate themselves in the layers of those depths, they choke on their knowledge, they loose breath in the depths of their loneliness. 

Does it make sense to you? No? Right! It won't make sense to shallower ones. And to the ones in depth? Well, they are far beyond this level to bother. Nonetheless, just wanted to say from the depths of my sinking - 

P.S. - I have been trying to listen to classical music for a long while. However, except flute, I could never feel any deep connection with any other instrument. Listened to many, liked a few, but never felt attached to any except flute. Right now also, some flute is playing. Do you know why? No? Ohh...!! I thought you would understand me a little better from that distance. If ever you understand that, let me know. You know I am always there to listen. Even if I am not happy, I will be fine enough to listen.

1 comment:

Shruti said...

Shruti nahi thi na life mein.😅🤷‍♀️ kaha se rahoge khush. 😅🤣🤣


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