Friday, April 6, 2018

Slogans and realities

Choose to be happy
भीड़ में अकेला आदमी
लड़ो पढ़ाई करने को, पढ़ो लड़ाई करने को
Life is unfair. Get used to it.
तोड़ो कारा तोड़ो

These, and god only knows what, many more slogans covered the walls in my room on the attic in Lucknow. That was some 16 years ago, I guess.

Those were the days of unhindered utopia and untiring optimism. I used to dream and write, sing and talk, plan and dream some more. Now.... now, I survive... I try to survive people, life, plans, and most of all, myself.

All those slogans and dreams and aspirations seem a distant hazy lost past. Jagjit Singh is singing Bashir Badr:

तुम तन्हा दुनिया से लड़ोगे
बच्चों सी बातें करते हो


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