Friday, June 5, 2009

How well do you know Siddhartha Rastogi?

In the pile of those thousands of quizzes on Facebook, I am also a culprit of contributing one - "How well do you know Siddhartha Rastogi?". The seven question quiz was taken by ten friends so far. Although their scores varied between 1/7 to 5/7, I think most of them chose the second best, if not the correct answer.

About friends who took the quiz, Puja and (surprisingly) Rasika scored the highest, i.e. - 71% but the real surprise was score of Meha at 14% and even Priyanka at 42% - I was hoping much higher scores for both. Now I want to see Gunjan's result, as I hope he would get most of them right.

Following is the quiz and a little blabbering about the questions and responses by yours truly :)

How well do you know Siddhartha Rastogi?

1) At a party, what would I definitely be doing?
a) gulping kegs of beer
b) dancing on the dance floor
c) chatting with friends
d) hitting on hot chicks
e) Sitting silently and observing people

Most of my friends thought that I'd be chatting with friends. Well that was my second best answer. Normally, I sit silently in some cozy corner, observing and reading people.

2) What would be the perfect present for me?
a) electronics and gadgets
b) books
c) clothes
d) cards and crafts

Most of the friends got it right - books. And few chose the second best as well - cards and crafts.

3) What is my dream profession?
a) Teacher
b) Politician
c) Assassin
d) Social Worker

True that I'll be in teaching profession but that is the real world. In my dream world, I am a politician, ruler, policy maker, and dictator. Most of my friends knew only the reality, not my dream profession.

4) If I had one day left to live, how would I live it?
a) Call and meet up all the friends
b) kill all the people on my hitlist
c) confess my love to all my crushes
d) eat, drink, and be merry

I bet that very few can guess it - my lists still remain somewhat secret. Some chose the second best of calling up friends and some even chose the third best of confessing my crushes. However, few know me so closely that they knew I'd prefer clearing the backlog on my 'hitlist' to cleanse this world.

5) I am most happiest when ________?
a) I talk to friends
b) I read
c) I kick some a**
d) I daydream

Yes, I am a dreamer - a man of thought. But most of my friends know me as an avid reader only and they chose option b only. I wonder why nobody thinks some ass-kicking makes me happy, when in fact it does ;)

6) What did I want to be when I was little?
a) Teacher
b) Armyman
c) Writer
d) Businessman

I always wanted to be a teacher when I was young. Army was my second choice. When I grew up, my second choice was struck out and my first choice became the reality, only to be replaced by the dream of another 'first choice' of politics. However, writing and business always attracted me as a romantic possibility only and never as a full time career option.

7) I am least likely to believe in
a) God
b) Ghosts
c) Communism
d) Dreams

This was a cracker - I truly believe in Dreams, God, and Ghosts; but Communism?? Come on... Surely! you must be joking Mr. Marx.

There were many more questions and many kept on popping inside my top-floor vacuum till even days later but you know, I've already told you a lot. As a final pointer, beyond this garb of some small information, there is a lot more to know :P

P.S. - Gunjan took the quiz and answered 6 correctly out of 7 - highest thus far. I knew he won't let me down :)


deep said...

there is lot more to know..
each day there is something new to be discovered about the own self.. the OTHER will always remain a mystery ..!!

Lemme Think said...

Of course I'll score well on such quizzes...psychologist aise hi nahi ban gaye!!!!! :-)

Sid said...

Deep - I understand that and to the extent that our own selves remain mystery from ourselves often!!

Rasika - Khush-aamadeed... but about being a psychologist, I contest that. You still haven't found out my 'cartoon character' :D

Amit said...

I think I got 4 correct.

Sid said...

@ Amit - interesting that despite interaction through our blogs only, you seem to guess quite a lot about me :)


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