Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Publish (ed) (ing)

Kadambini accepted a poem for publication more than a year ago and it is yet to be published, so my first literary publication now belongs to Vagarth. And after that, another joy came today, when I got my first Real call of appreciation.

A critique-writer, completely unknown thus far, called me to appreciate my first ever publication - the Hindi Story Bonsai in Vagarth (October 2008) issue. In the past two weeks, I have got loads of congrats, appreciations, and applauds from friends and family; and I suppose, most of it was customary and out of courtesy. But getting an applause from a professional reviewer is really great.

And this is for the story I never really considered among my best works. In fact, both of my creations accepted for publication thus far are such. I never really liked either but submitted these only for publication coz of better salability. And the ones I really love and consider to be my best were never sent for publication, although I am pretty sure that those ones won't be accepted at all. Nonetheless, my favorites remain my favorites. Perhaps because when I read those ones now, I witness and relive those emotions, which obviously neither possible nor expected from others.

However, finally, after so long a rumination, I've decided to put up my poetry on a blog, to publish whichever I like the most among my poetry.

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